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Quinn Slatten - Duluth

Quinn Slatten - Duluth

1st Place GZGC24 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament player

Melissa Rodier - Duluth

Melissa Rodier - Duluth

2nd Place GZGC24 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament player

Jonah Weideman - Wilton

Jonah Weideman - Wilton

3rd Place GZGC24 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament player

Ronnie Nguyen – Duluth

Ronnie Nguyen – Duluth

4th Place GZGC24 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament player

  • Open to players 14 years of age or older.
  • Open to players that live in the 218 area code only
  • All player are required to sign up for a GZG Player Profile to compete.
  • Limited to 64 players
  • Double Elimination
  • Three stock, 7 minutes
  • Items Off, Handicap Off, Spirits Off, Final Smash Meter Off
  • Pause Off, Team Attack On, Stage Hazards Off, Stage Morph Off
  • Amiibos Banned
  • Most current patches within ten days of the event will be used
  • 2/3 Games per Set
  • 3/5 Games for Winners & Losers Finals
  • 3/5 Games for Grand Finals
  • All controllers are permitted as long as they do not contain macro or turbo functions that are not present
    in-stock Gamecube controllers

Set Length

All tournament sets will be best-of-3 until top 8, at which point tournament sets will be best-of-5.

Stocks: 3 stocks
Time Limit: 7:00 minutes
Final Smash Meter: OFF
Spirits: OFF
Damage Handicap: OFF
Stage Selection: Anyone
Items: OFF and NONE
First to: 1 Win
Stage Morph: OFF
Stage Hazards: OFF
Team Attack: ON
Launch Rate: 1.0x
Underdog Boost: OFF
Pausing: OFF
Score Display: OFF
% Show Damage: Yes
Custom Balance: OFF
Echo Fighters: Separate
Radar: Big
Teammate Highlight: ON
Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal

Stagelist ***

  • Neutral Stages
    • Battlefield
    • Small Battlefield
    • Town & City
    • Pokémon Stadium 2
    • Smashville
  • Counterpick Stages
    • Final Destination
    • Hollow Bastion
    • Kalos Pokemon League

Stage Striking

Players/teams eliminate stages from the Starters stagelist until one stage remains. The player/team who strikes first may be determined by RPS (rock, paper, scissors) best of one. The winning player/team strikes the first stage. Then the other player/team strikes two stages. Then the winning player/team strikes one more stage, and the remaining stage is used for the first game of the set.


After each game of the set, the player who won the previous game will select their character, followed by the player who lost the previous game.

After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban three stages from the stagelist. These bans are game-long and do not persist after a single game. The loser of the previous game then chooses from the remaining stages.

Self-Destruct Moves & Sudden Death

The results screen will determine the winner if a game ends with a self-destruct move. If a sudden death occurs, a standard sudden death play-off game applies. If a game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the game ends. If both players are tied in stocks, the player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a game in which both players lose their last stock simultaneously, a 1-stock tiebreaker will be played with a 3-minute time limit. The results of an in-game 300% Sudden Death do not count. This process is repeated if Sudden Death occurs in a Sudden Death game.


Place Prize Winner
First Place $300 Quinn Slatten – Duluth
Second Place $200 Melissa Rodier – Duluth
Third Place $100 Jonah Weideman – Wilton
Fourth Place $50 Ronnie Nguyen – Duluth



These rules are subject to change. All rules will be finalized a week before the tournament. Gigazone Gaming staff reserve the right to change any rules as they see fit throughout the tournament. Follow us to keep up to date.


Prizes are subject to change, follow us to keep up to date.


If Final Destination is chosen as a stage for any game in the set, either player may require the Omega version of Wuhu Island to be used instead.
Nintendo is not a sponsor of or affiliated with this tournament.